The South End and Back Bay need more bakeries.
There, I said it.
We all love Flour and the Buttery, yes; but, where can you go for house-made, hot-out-of-the-oven bread around here? And the places you might think of that do sell good, fresh bread (usually baked elsewhere) seem to always run out of it by the time most people get out of work. It's a breadtastrophe. Sundays are a little better since the SoWa Market has brought in bakery carts from the metro region, but I say "give us, this day, our daily bread!"
We've seen the folks from The Danish Pastry House at the SoWa Market for the past few years and have very much enjoyed their croissants, pains au chocolat, and breads. Having had a hankering for a carb-ridden adventure the other day, we hopped into the car and drove the quarter hour over to Medford to visit the Danish Pastry House's bakery & café there on Boston Avenue. Forty-five minutes later, on a nice sugar high, we started bemoaning the fact that we can't easily get such goodies in our own neighborhood. If only we had the means to open a bakery ourselves! Oh well, ANYWAY...
We had some very delicious things at the Danish Pastry House and highly recommend a visit to anyone in the Tufts/Medford area.
The Almond Kringle (above) was AMAZING. Full of almond paste and buttery goodness.
Apparently, it's the house specialty. Makes sense to me!!
From left > right; top > bottom: we had a Floderbolle (described as "almond cookie base, Italian meringue filling, chocolate & coconut dipped); a Froggie 'KAJ' (we called these marzipan monsters amongst ourselves; they were very cute balls of flavored buttercream wrapped with marzipan, dipped in chocolate on the bottom); a raspberry frangipane tartelette (self-explanatory and my favorite); a chocolate bourbon pecan tartelette (this was apparently the girl behind the counter's favorite); and a slice of that delicious Kringle.
The Danish Pastry House's Bakery and Café is located at 330 Boston Ave, Medford. According to their website, they also have a retail bakery in Watertown.