(One sheet makes about 14 cookies. Two sheets come in a box normally)
1. If frozen, defrost pastry sheet for 40 minutes
3. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough with enough force to encrust the bottom of the pastry sheet with sugar.
5. Turn the sheet of dough so the top flap is facing your right, and repeat the Business fold again.
6 Roll the dough out now about 8 inches long. Then turn the dough and roll it out 8 inches long the other way to form a rough square.
7. Trim the dough sheet to make it a more perfected square.
9. Fold the whole thing in half (like you are closing a book) and use
the rolling pin again to press down firmly so the layers stay together.
12. Refrigerate for 30 minutes to let the dough set. Preheat the oven to 450. Make sure the rack is in the top middle of the oven.
13. After 30 minutes, bake (one sheet at a time) for 6 minutes or until the sugar on the bottom begins to caramelize.
14. Take out of oven, quickly flip over and lightly cover the top-side of the cookies with sugar.
15. Put back in oven and bake another 3-4 minutes, or until tops of cookies are golden-brown in color and the sugar is caramelizing nicely.
16. Let cool on a wire rack. As the palmiers cool, they will harden and make a nice sweet crunch.