Livermush--and that's pronounced "mush" [ mʌːʃ ] as in 'rush' not "mush" [ mɤːʃ ] as in 'push'--is a delicacy made in the region of North Carolina where I was born and raised. Made of pork liver--and other pork products--spices, and cornmeal, it is cooked together and molded into brick-shaped loaves.
(I just found this on YouTube, and I think this young lady explains it quite well--even though I don't think they really put the tail or the appendix in livermush!)
Basically, it's pâté; but since we Southerners fry everything, when it's served to you, it won't look like the schmanzy-pantsy pâté one might spread on a little piece of pain d'épice. Nosiree! What you'll get is a 3"x5"x0.5" piece of dark and crispy heaven--dark and crispy, that is, on the outside; smooth and delicate on the inside. Smack that sucker on a fresh biscuit, and you're good to go. (I also put mayonnaise, but others are partial to mustard--and apparently grape jelly?! video below)

Whether you eat yours with mayonnaise, mustard--or grape jelly (?!), the next time you're in North Carolina, stop by your local greasy spoon and order the livermush. You'll be glad you did--even if it was just for the adventure of it!

Photos courtesy of Google Images.